
The Town of Kearny operates under the Council-Manager form of government. The Town Manager and staff is responsible for the day-to-day operation of all Town government functions under policy direction from the Mayor and Town Council.

The Mayor and Council, acting as the legislative body, determine Town policy. The Town Manager is responsible for development and administration of the Town’s operating budget once approved by the Mayor and Council. The Mayor and Council appoint the Town Manager.

Office of the Town Manager

Tyler Bingham, Town Manager

The Town Manager is the Chief Administrative Officer for the Town, and is ultimately responsible for the general operation of all Town services, programs, and functions. The Town Manager also acts as an Ex-Officio Officer on all Commissions and Boards.

Office of the Town Clerk

Amanda Kenney, Town Clerk

The duties of the Town Clerk are to maintain a true and correct record of all business transacted by the Town Council and any other record that pertains to the business of the Town or that the Council directs. The Clerk keeps all public records and public documents as provided by State Statute. The Mayor and Council appoint the Town Clerk.

The Town Clerk also acts as the Town Treasurer, keeping accurate and complete records of all Town fiances. Payroll, purchases, permitting, and billing are the responsibilities of the Town Clerk.

The Town Clerk is the Town Election Official and performs those duties required by State Statute for the Election process.

All requests for Public Information should be directed to the Clerk's Office. Requests will be processed within a reasonable time.

Services Provided by Town Administration

  • Town Administration
  • Utility Billing
  • Notary Public Services: $10
  • Local Permitting and Licensing

Staff Contacts

Name Title
Amanda Kenney Town Clerk
Steve Cooper Town Attorney
Tyler Bingham Town Manager