Kearny Lake Rehabilitation Update

Hello, everyone!
First off, I want to thank the Town Council and all our residents for the opportunity to lead us through the next few years of change. It is incredibly humbling and encouraging knowing that I have the support of our wonderful community.
I want to take the time to provide a blog update on the status of the Kearny Lake Rehabilitation Project to keep everyone in the loop and to set expectations. I realize that in the past, these sorts of updates have not been common. This will change as I work my way through the many challenges that face us. I want to assure you, my goal is to involve as many people as possible not only in the lake project, but in all Town projects. Community buy-in is the single most important indicator of the success of public efforts. The culmination of small contributions from hundreds of residents will sustain public interests far longer than a handful of boisterous volunteers. That said, intensely targeted efforts are just as important. There is room for everyone when a common goal is held high.
Concerning the lake project, after meeting with multiple technical experts, including Arizona State University biophysicists, aquatic plant vendors, and the floating island creators, the tough decision has been made to delay the planting and installation of our islands until March 2024. This is because the Fall and Winter months offer less sunlight for our seedlings to get their starts. We want our plants to grow strong and hardy before they enter cooler, dormant months. If the plants are not growing strong, they are not removing nutrients from the lake water as intended. Although frustrating, there are some positives to this decision.
The extra time will allow all interested volunteers to come forward. The Town will need a team of volunteers to provide the manpower to install the islands the same day the plants are received. Since this is a time-sensitive process, the more volunteers we can enlist, the more we can guarantee a smooth experience. Depending on the final headcount, this process may be accomplished over many days or weeks in March, with the appropriate number of islands installed with each plant delivery.
Another positive is the involvement of Arizona State University. The School of Sustainability’s Project Cities program has identified the Kearny Lake as a premier restoration project worthy of close study by their graduate students. Our lake is perfect for a living laboratory, showcasing the latest classroom knowledge in a real-world environment. Ideas including lake monitoring equipment, creation of wetlands entering and exiting the lake, and even a science walk encompassing the lake have all been suggested. All ideas will be explored. The extra time afforded by the decision to plant next year will allow the ASU students to start their studies and begin offering solutions tailored specifically to our lake.
Lastly, over the next few months, the Town is accepting any input on the direction of the lake project. What do you want to see at the lake? Is fishing important to you? How about kayaking? Do you enjoy walking along the lake and taking in the scenery? Would you like to see more birds and other wildlife surrounding the lake? How do you feel about camping? Are there any amenities you would like to see provided? Everything is fair game. Remember, not all ideas are feasible, but all our voices hold weight. Speak up now!
All in all, I couldn’t be more excited for the future of the lake. It will take many years to shape this project into everything we know it can be, so do not get discouraged when results don’t seem to be coming fast enough. Anything worth doing will take more time and effort than everything else. This is the nature of things. If we can keep our sights fixed on the goal of creating a sustainable, enjoyable environment for Kearny residents and visitors alike, the forward momentum will eventually carry us to the promised land.
I can’t guarantee blog updates like these on a perfectly regular basis, but I will do my best to keep the public informed of all the Town’s projects as the information changes and becomes available.
Thank you again for your support and understanding!
Tyler Bingham 
Town Manager