Emergency Preparedness

The Kearny Volunteer Fire Department encourages residents to be prepared to care for your family for at least 72 hours after a disaster. With just a few simple steps you may be able to save yourself and your family when a disaster strikes.

Be Informed

Find out what potential disasters may affect you. In Kearny, it could be flooding, wildfires (click here for information about wildfires) or thunderstorms and lightning. During a disaster, information is important for survival. Keep a battery powered radio in case the power goes out to stay connected with emergency broadcasts.

Make a Plan

Plan in advance what you will do for the most likely emergencies. Your plan should include a family communication plan, a shelter in place plan, as well as the action steps you will take when disasters are imminent.

Get a Kit

Think of everything you might need if you take shelter at home for 72 hours to create a disaster supplies kit. The list of items doesn’t need to be extensive, but plan to have those items handy. Consider a smaller kit that you can leave in your office or car or take with you in case of an evacuation.

Taking these steps and you will make your family safer, maybe even save your lives, during the next disaster.